Zenito Ltd
Sell-side advisor in the selling of shares to Evli Plc

Description of the reference
In November 2023, Evli announced the acquisition of a majority stake in the investment services company Zenito Ltd. The transaction was completed on 31 January 2024 and Zenito Ltd is now part of the Evli Group. According to the agreement, Evli acquired approximately 67% of the shares in Zenito Ltd and the rest remained in the ownership of the company’s founders. The purchase price of the shares involved in the transaction was approximately 2.9 million euros and the payment was made in cash.
We acted as advisor to the seller, Zenito Ltd.
Zenito Ltd is an investment services company whose business is based on traditional and unbiased value investing based on company and financial statement analysis. Zenito Ltd’s revenue for 2022 was approximately 1.3 million euros.
We provide customized financial advice on M&A transactions for the client
We are not afraid of complex transactions, and we help our clients to find and strategically implement the best possible option. We act as either a seller or a buyer’s advisor in a M&A transaction, and we adapt our service to suit the purpose.
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Jaakko Niemelä
Partner, CEO, Aktia Alexander Corporate Finance Oy
+358 50 549 5501
Aktia Alexander Corporate Finance Oy
We offer a wide range of investment banking and advisory services for many different situations. We have extensive experience and expertise in the diverse Corporate Finance business.
Address: Pohjoisesplanadi 37 A 00100 Helsinki
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